

PJ2800ACT Datasheet PDF

Promax-Johnton12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card PJ2800ACT PDF
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  • Promax-Johnton PJ2800ACT
    12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card
  • Promax-Johnton PJ2800ACX
    12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card
  • Promax-Johnton PJ2800ACY
    12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card
  • Promax-Johnton PJ2800CT
    12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card
  • Promax-Johnton PJ2800CX
    12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card
  • Promax-Johnton PJ2800CY
    12V; positive voltage regulator. For wireless communication, cameras, video recorders, portable games, portable AV equipment, battery powered equipment, CD-ROM, DVD and LAN card

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